Possibilities of Increased Communication & Collaboration Through the Use of Digital Tools – EDCI 572 April 19th Blog Post #6





Digital tools have provided increased learning possibilities, including both communication and collaboration opportunities. The following video I have created will outline: 

        • What digital tools are, 
        • Examples of digital tools that can enhance learning, communication and collaboration,  
        • How digital tools extend learning beyond the classroom,  
        • How our final Master’s project promotes communication and collaboration amongst students and others outside of our learning context with the use of digital tools.  

Please make sure to have your sound on.

By Deirdre Houghton


Teach with digital technologies. (n.d.). Department of Education and Training Victoria. https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/digital/Pages/teach.aspx

Unsplash. (2019). Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/